Lost and/or damaged school property, Cafeteria Charges, Internet Use, Medications


The student or the parent shall pay for lost and/or damaged textbooks, library books, electronics and accessories, or damaged musical instruments. The principal will not issue certificates or transcripts, or credit in the course for which the book was issued, until full restitution is made to the school, including library fines.


Cafeteria charges are not allowed.  As a CEP School, all students receive free breakfast and free lunch.  A-la-carte items will be available and must be paid at the time of purchase. Students are allowed to deposit money into their cafeteria account to purchase a la carte items.


Students and parents are held responsible for school Internet use per the HCDE Internet agreement.  Only school appropriate sites may be used.  Non-school based E-mail accounts are not to be accessed during a school day.  Internet usage is regularly monitored by administration and unapproved usage could result in disciplinary action. 


Medications are limited to prescriptions required during school hours and necessary to maintain the child in school. School nurses or other non-medical personnel designated by the school principal should administer medications. Any student required to take medication at school must comply with the following regulations:

  • The Health Services Dept. will provide a written permission form for prescription medications to the school. This form must be completely filled out and signed by the parent and the child’s licensed health care provider.

  • A new permission form must be provided to the school at the beginning of each new year. The permission form must be updated when there is a change in dosage or time of medication.

  • Middle school students may bring this medication to school, but it must be carried to the office immediately upon the student’s arrival at school. Medication must be in the original bottle and refilled in like manner.

  • A Parent and/or guardian must pick up unused medication at the end of the year or it will be discarded.

  • Students may not carry any over the counter medicine and/or prescribed medication.

  • Life threatening conditions that warrant immediate medications such as inhalers and glucose tablets must be accessible to the student at all times. 

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