Athletic Eligibility | All Sports
Forms are required by the TMSSAA for students to try-out
and participate in all sports.
HCDE has made signing forms much more convenient through the new county portal for athletic forms. Using the FinalForms website, a parent/guardian is now able to add students, select sports, and sign necessary forms.
Parents musts create an account and upload the Medical Eligibility form which is on page 5 under the link below. All students must have a FinalForms account created and have this form uploaded to the site before tryouts and starting on a team. Please use the following to click HERE for a PDF of instructions.
Students must be academically promoted, (not placed), in the next grade level, have satisfactory grades previous quarter and current, meet the approval of the coach and pass a physical examination before participating in sports. All students are given an equal opportunity to participate through tryouts. Team membership one season does not guarantee membership the next season. Interscholastic contest rules established and sanctioned by the T.M.S.S.A.A. shall govern all sports sanctioned by that organization. Interscholastic competition is a privilege and may be withdrawn for disciplinary reasons. A $50 general athletic fee must be paid prior to the first game. Fees are not refundable. The sport fee will include facilities fees, insurance, refs/umpire fees, uniforms/equipment, and our annual winter/spring awards banquets. Individual sports may vary with extra fees for tournaments, camps, and equipment. Eligible student athletes are required to pass 4 out of 5 courses in ELA, Math, Science, Social Studies and/or Related Arts. Coaches will require weekly progress reports to determine eligibility. In addition, if a student-athlete has one failing grade then they will be assigned a mandatory study hall twice a week.
Student-athletes will not be allowed to dress out or sit on the bench with the team with two failing grades until they are passing. All student-athletes must participate in a 45 minute study hall and/or tutoring sessions once a week.
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