Any person who believes he or she has been the victim of harassment or sexual harassment by a student or an employee of the school system, or any third party with knowledge or belief of conduct, which may constitute harassment or sexual harassment, should report the alleged acts immediately to an appropriate school system official as designated by this policy. The school principal is responsible for receiving complaints of harassment at the school level. The principal shall notify the Assistant Superintendent for Personnel and the Assistant Superintendent for School Operations. Student to student complaints should be sent to the Assistant Superintendent of Student Services.


It is the policy of the Hamilton County Board of Education not to discriminate on the basis of sex, race, national origin, creed, age, or religion in any of the programs or practices in the school system.  A complaint may be filed by anyone who has a grievance regarding discrimination as set forth in one of the following statutes: (1) The Rehabilitation Act of 1972, Section 504: (2) Title VI of the Civil Rights Act of 1964: or (3) Title IX of the Educational Amendments of 1972.  The school system encourages the reporting party or complainant to use the complaint form available from the principal of each school or available from the central office location. 

  • Tennessee State Law requires that all children between the ages of six (6) and seventeen (17), both inclusive, must attend school regularly.

  • The Hamilton County Department of Education has determined that each child will be allowed three (3) absences per school year that may be excused by a note from a parent/guardian. These should only be used in cases when a child is sick, but the parent/guardian determines that a doctor visit is not necessary.

  • After three (3) parent/guardian excused personal illness days, any further absences must be excused by professional documentation. These include doctors, mental health professionals, dentists, court, or other professional services. Other legal reasons for excused absences are death in immediate family, religious holiday regularly observed by that faith (prior approval required), and approved school sponsored activities. (HCDE Board Policy 6.200)

  • Excuses must be turned in to the appropriate school official within five (5) days of the student returning to school.

  • After five (5) unexcused days, the school will notify the parent/guardian that their child must attend school on a regular basis by mailing the Attendance Notification Letter.

  • Upon receipt of the Attendance Notification Letter, if the parent disagrees with the number of absences, it is their responsibility to contact the school for an attendance meeting and to provide documentation to support claims.

  • If a student acquires ten (10) or more unexcused days (no legal reason for absence as defined above) the school will make a formal referral to the School Social Worker.

  • If the child continues to accrue unexcused absences after the referral, a Legal Notice will be mailed to the parent/guardian indicating that their child has become truant. This notice shall serve as intent to file a petition with Hamilton County Juvenile Court unless proper documentation is provided to the school within five (5) days of receipt of this notice.

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